Social Media

I’ve always been old-fashioned. Thinking marriage and then kids are the way to go. The world has changed. It’s not like that any more. The sad reality now is we live our lives through technology. That’s not at all how i want to live my life. I want to be in the present moment. Yeah of course i might share photos and posts on Facebook and instagram but i don’t want to live through social media. I want to have tech free times, as i plan to when i one day have kids. Go back to basics, play outside, go for a walk, play board games with friends (i love a good games night), go on adventures. Some of my favourite times are when I’ve had no reception. It’s so easy to become attached to a phone. It kills time. You might not even realise how much you actually pick it up and depend on it. I head out without my phone sometimes. Awhile ago i made the choice to stop being on my phone when in the company of friends, trying to be present with them. When you get a comment like “we’ve been here half an hour and you haven’t checked us in on facebook yet’, you know you spend too much time on your phone. What does it even achieve?
Why do we post so much? Is it actually because we want to keep our friends up to date? Is it because we want to show people we have a life, show our ex’s or haters we are moving on or are ‘happy’? Are we striving for that ‘like so we’ll feel better about ourselves?
Social media makes it seem like we all have our shit together. You have no idea what’s really going on behind the photograph or the post.
People only show you what they want you to see.

We had a challenge at work as part of health and wellbeing. My pledge was ‘to switch off and reconnect with the real world for at least 30 minutes a day’.  30 minutes seems like nothing, but could you do it? Switch off all technology? This is what I wrote at the time.

‘In a world where self-worth is measured by how many likes you get on your selfie and how loved you are is measured by how many followers you have, i pledge to disconnect myself everyday in order to have a healthier mind. I will get outdoors and enjoy the summer without my phone attached to my hand every second.’

Take a moment to think about why you are really posting something. I’ve seen this a few times and still think it’s a great message.
Before you post… THINK!
T is it true?
H is it helpful?
I is it inspiring?
N is it necessary?
K is it kind?

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